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Friday, September 23, 2011

ThunderCats Saved Me

...Well, actually our forklift today.

The forklift had gotten stuck when we returned from an amazing lunch at Chick*Fil*A, and when we came back, all five of us were pushing and shaking at that heavy forklift and it still didn't budge.

We even tried using a pallet jack (it got stuck and failed miserably), a piece of cardboard (almost helped...didn't really), and a piece of wood (the wheel just dug into it, grinding it away).

When all hope was lost, a truck driver approached and nodded that he would give the forklift a push.

As the forklift began to move, I looked at the door and totally Laughed Out Loud (LOL, LOL ;D ) as the logo was an exact copy of the Thundercats symbol.

I was so amazed.

Thundercats saved our forklift. Thank you Thundercats.

Thundercats! Ho!


  1. Isn't this another instance to add to the list of "When having a Green Lantern Ring would have been Helpful?"
